April 2019
Julia Nicholson is our KZN coordinator and has developed the most wonderful relationship with Zululand Conservation Trust, part of their work is outreach projects which are incredibly important part of any self respecting NPO . BFBR in its commitment to Rhino Conservation have been honored to join ZCT in these 2 projects , in fact all 3 are now beneficiaries.
Thanks must go of course to Julia Nicholson and Frances Hannah who together have formed a unique relationship, which enables BFBR to support the Foundations and the children of the Community. Together so much can be achieved. So ladies huge Rhino hugs to you both on behalf of us all here.
Finally without all who knitted beautiful squares, blankets and scarves this could never have been achieved without you. This project was driven from the start by Julia who really does wave her want to make magic happen.