We only have 2 of these left in stock . The inside measurement of them both is 23mm
Please note that this item is the Pangolin ring only and does not include the bangle as shown in photo
Striving to create awareness on a critical topic – POACHING. One of the most ruling methods of this inhumane act, is snaring. This jewellery is a way of addressing one of the biggest threats to our precious wildlife by finding alternative ways to turn what once was so destructive into hope.
Anti-poaching units are doing their part by removing these death traps from our wildlife areas. Once removed, these snares serve no other purpose.
The quest is to rework these snares into altering brutality into beauty into uniquely hand crafted jewellery as a symbol of life.
Any animal affected by snaring, should not be left unaided, regardless of their size or endangered status.
Funds raised are made available to a select group of wildlife veterinarians – who have dedicated their lives to making a difference within wildlife conservation, to cover costs of treatment and rehabilitation.
Order yours today!