Fields Veterinary Practice in Newport held a cycling event in their waiting room where practice staff took turns to cycle a total of 300km on an exercise bicycle, while still working a normal day! They raised over £500!
This was from Jon Wilton director of the practice:
Elisa came to Fields to do a talk on the charity’s work a few weeks ago. The talk stimulated much interest and conversation in the surgery which culminated in an indoor cycling event this week in aid of the charity, set up by my colleague and keen cyclist Ed Pini.
Prior to the event we publicised our plan on Facebook and Instagram pages and used waiting room posters and TVs to show the Charity’s own video loops.
The objective was for us to jointly complete a 300km virtual waiting room bike-ride shared between seven members of staff and a welcome contribution from our visiting Petplan Area Manager Kerrie. In total we exceeded our target and achieved a total of 310km, and to date the reported funds raised is at least £500.
Despite it being a fairly busy day at the surgery and having to relocate our cat waiting area to a small consult room, I think we managed to achieve our objective whilst not causing mass disruption of our normal day. Many clients showed their support and we anticipate much sponsorship has been donated online too.
Over and above our modest fundraising and important public education effort around one of the world’s endangered species, this event has been a great team builder and has created a big lift amongst our team at Fields to get involved in supporting a cause we all feel passionate about. On the back of this and seeing the value of it in terms of staff bonding and wellbeing we will definitely be looking at other ideas for future events.